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Nov, 2021

2022 HTLL Divisions

Intermediate Division

The HTLL Intermediate Baseball program is a competitive baseball league that builds on the individual and team skills developed in previous divisions.  The division expands the field dimensions to 50-foot pitching distance and 70-foot base paths. Additional baseball components are added, such as taking leads and stealing bases.  This division offers a transition between the standard Little League Major League field size (46-foot pitching distance and 60-foot base paths) with the larger 60/90 foot field dimensions for those players that continue to play beyond HTLL. 

The Intermediate Division consists of 5-6 teams of 12-13 players ages 12-13. (Birthday 5/1/08-8/31/10)

All new players to the league must attend Player Evaluation Day in March so equitable team drafts can take place.  Any 11, 12 or 13 year olds that played in HTLL's Major League Baseball Division last year do NOT need to attend Player Evaluation Day as their teams are shifting from the Major League Division to the Intermediate Division for 2020.

There are anywhere from 16-20 regular season games and two practices a week. Playoffs are single elimination. The season runs from early mid April to late June. 

Major League Division

The HTLL Major League Baseball program is a competitive baseball league dedicated to enhancing individual baseball knowledge and skills combined with team tactics and strategy, providing higher level baseball competition, and promoting the Little League principles and sportsmanship for the youth of Haverford Township. 

The Major League Division consists of 5-6 teams of 12-13 players ages 10-11.

All new players to the league must attend Player Evaluation Day in March so equitable team drafts can take place.  Any 10 and 11 year olds that played in HTLL's Minor League Baseball Division last year must attend Player Evaluation Day in March. 

There are 16-20 regular season games and two practices a week. Playoffs are single elimination. The season runs from early mid April to late June. 

Minor League Division

The Minor League Baseball Division is an instructional/competitive division dedicated to enhancing individual baseball skills and knowledge, providing friendly team competition, and promoting sportsmanship. 

The Minor League Division usually consists of 6-8 teams of 12-14 players ages 8-9.

All new players to the league must attend Player Evaluation Day in March so equitable team drafts can take place. 

There are typically 16-20 regular season games and two practices a week. Playoffs are single elimination. The season runs from early mid April to late June and includes playoffs. 

IMPORTANT NOTE:  8 year old players are encouraged to register for the Minor League Division.  8 year old players CAN register for machine pitch if another year at this level is necessary.  However, all 8 year old players will be asked to attend evaluations in March to determine which division is most appropriate.

Machine Pitch Division

The Machine Pitch Baseball division is an instructional division for players ages 6-7 years old. Games are played at Chestnutwold Elementary School in the evenings Monday through Friday and various times on Saturdays. Some games and some practices will be held at Elwell Field or at the Karakung Complex. Most teams have practices throughout the season, beginning in March with games between April and June 1st. Each player receives a hat, t-shirt, socks and pants. The Machine Pitch Division also has playoffs in June, as well as a player recognition day and a Machine Pitch Showcase game. 

IMPORTANT NOTE:  8 year old players are encouraged to register for the Minor League Division.  8 year old players CAN register for machine pitch if another year at this level is necessary.  However, all 8 year old players will be asked to attend evaluations in March to determine which division is most appropriate.

T-Ball Division

The T-Ball division is an instructional division for players ages 5-6 years old. Games are played at Normandy Park in the evenings Monday through Friday and various times on Saturdays. T-Ball does not generally have practices as the instruction is done during the games. Each player receives a hat and t-shirt. 

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